Taking Notes (Students)
Notes can be taken in a few different places in Omega Notes’ platform. Knowing where and how to take notes will make studying easier for you. Whenever you first sign into Omega Notes, you are brought to the Notebook. This is a place that allows you ...
What are Privacy Settings? (Students)
Sometimes, students keep notes to themselves, whether they feel like the note they make might be common knowledge or, they just don't want to share. Omega Notes allows students to create notes with different privacy settings! To change the privacy ...
Advanced Text Formatting (Students)
Omega Notes offers many ways for students to take notes effectively and they can be found by clicking the “TOOLS” icon on the left side of the page when taking a note. The tools will expand and you will be given many different options to choose from. ...
Inserting Emojis (Students)
There are many different tools that you can use when editing or replying to a note. One of those tools allows you to be able to input emojis to your note! To do this, go ahead and add a new note. From here, click on the grey “TOOLS” button on the ...
Creating a Note Template (Students)
When taking notes, it can often help to display your text in a different format. This can be done through any one of our notes by making a template. To do this, navigate to the note creation panel. Click on the “TOOLS” tab and notice that a dropdown ...
The Voting System (Students)
In the Notebook, students are able to rate their own as well as others notes. This allows students to give feedback on eachothers notes without commenting. To do this, one first needs to navigate to the Notebook or a Course Pack and find a note you ...
Filtering Notes (Students)
Filtering your notes in the Notebook can be useful because often there is an overwhelming amount of information to look through. This guide will show you how to filter through the Notebook to display only the notes you want. First start by clicking ...
Sorting Notes (Students)
The Notebook holds all public notes including yours. There can be lots of information to sift through. You can easily sort the Notebook with these simple steps. When in the Notebook, click on the filter icon in the top left of the page. After ...
Making Group Notes (Students)
Oftentimes in classrooms you will be put in a group and have to collaborate with them to complete an objective. The Notebook can allow you to make notes that only your group can see so making a note and pointing to a page is possible even when the ...
What are tags? (Students)
When studying all of your notes, it can be hard to tell what's really crucial material. Omega Notes allows you to add tags to your notes so you can visibly see what material is important to your success in studying. To add a tag to your note, first ...
Downloading a Note (Students)
Being able to download notes can be useful when studying on the go. With the notebook, you are able to download anyones notes and take them with you. To do this, simply click “VIEW” on any note. After clicking view, notice that the note expands with ...
Editing a Note (Students)
Is important to be able to edit one of your notes as a student to possibly add more information to provide you or others a better understanding of important information. To edit, navigate to your note and press “VIEW” After clicking the “VIEW” ...
Navigating to a Note (Students)
When in the notebook you can see everyone's notes. At a glance as such. From here, if you see a note you like or a note you want to explore further you can go to the page to where they took the note from here in a very simple way. If you want to ...
How to Create a Question (Students)
How to make a question (notebook) Most of us have had the feeling of getting stuck when it comes to understanding materials. With Omega Notes’ question function, your peers and professors are able to assist you with understanding the material that is ...
Answering a Question (Students)
Most of us have had the feeling of getting stuck when it comes to understanding materials. So when you have the answer when someone doesn’t it can be a good opportunity to help your fellow peers when they have a question. To answer a question, all ...
Closing a Question (Students)
Questions can be a useful tool in Omega Notes. They allow a chance for your peers or your professors to assist you on a part you may not quite understand. After your question is answered, you can close the question to let others know that this ...
Reviewing Notes (Student)
There are two methods for reviewing notes made in courses. The first is to view the material within a Course Pack and click on the arrow in the top-right corner of the screen. This option will allow you to view a list of all notes made within the ...
Creating Notes in the Notebook (Students)
While students read through resources in a Course Pack, they are afforded classroom communication skills traditionally reserved for face-to-face learning and online forums in the usage of notes. These notes allow the class to highlight key ...
Popular Articles
Creating Notes in the Notebook (Students)
While students read through resources in a Course Pack, they are afforded classroom communication skills traditionally reserved for face-to-face learning and online forums in the usage of notes. These notes allow the class to highlight key ...
Navigating Omega Notes
When you sign in, you will be taken to your Dashboard. From here, you can navigate to the different sections in two ways: 1. Select the area you want to navigate to on the left side of the page: 2. Hover over your account icon in the top right corner ...
Creating Notes Within a Course Pack (Student)
While students read through resources in a Course Pack, they are afforded classroom communication skills traditionally reserved for face-to-face learning and online forums in the usage of notes. These notes allow the class to highlight key ...
Signing In for Students
Click Sign In on the top-right corner of the Omega Notes homepage: There are two ways to sign into Omega Notes: 1. Enter the email address and password selected when signing up for your account; OR 2. Click on the Facebook icon if you signed up using ...
Restricted Access
Hello, Access to articles on the Administrator help desk section are restricted to authorized users only. Please log in with the credentials provided to you by your Omega Notes representative. If you are unable to find your information, please ...